Enkhtaivny ave - 338,Bayangol district 20th khoroo,Ulaanbaatar 16101,Mongolia
Mon-Sat: 9am to 6pm Closed on Sundays
+976 7777 9889

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To work together

Repair service

Our company has qualified highly skilled engineers, technicians, operators and assistants

Rent and trade

Our company has been engaged in foreign trade and equipment supply for the last ten years

Line boring

Linear Routing service is the most widely used and high performance in the world

Blast Drilling

Our drill team uses American Ingersoll-Rand ECM660 brand drill equipment
Having a problem with your technique? You call and we will decide. Even in this time of difficult economic and mining conditions of the country, we are starting to update our call repair machines to deliver quality services to our customers without delay. With this upgrade, we are reducing downtime for our customers, providing faster service, and providing a safer and more comfortable ride for our repair crew. "SAFETY FIRST" This time Toyota Land Cruiser 200 was chosen as the best quality in Mongolia. Let the golden yellow road of the team of QCM, who have participated in the development and mining progress of our country for ten years with honor, always be optimistic.

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At a time when the mining industry is rapidly developing in Mongolia, "QCM" LLC started its operations in 2009 with 100 percent domestic investment in the field of maintenance of heavy mining machinery, blast drilling, and foreign trade in order to supply quality products and services to the industry. Our organization mainly works to perform quality maintenance services on call and at its own premises, and we have formed a team of talented young colleagues, focusing on solving social problems of employees, increasing social responsibility, etc.

QCM is the perfect choice for your business

Our company is a leader in its field and has a professional team that has earned the trust of many customers. Therefore, we are happy to say that we have nothing to lose.

What do you know about mine damage repair?

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Contact us

TEL: +976 77247748

SERVICE: 99121143, 99153455

SALES: 99892135, 99130165